Chapter 3


In the previous chapter, Paul had showed what a true Christian ought not to follow after. He had warned the Colossians against the dangers of false philosophy, and the doctrines of erroneous teachers. In this chapter, he teaches them what they ought to pursue and to seek. He therefore enjoins various duties in the different relations of life, which they ought to perform in such a way as to show that true religion had a controlling influence over their hearts, he specifies the following:
1.      The duty of setting the affections on things above, (vv. 1-4). They were risen with Christ, Col 2:12; they were dead to sin, Col 3:3.
         They were soon to be like Christ, Col 3:4; and they should, therefore, fix their affections on heavenly things.
2.      The duty of mortifying their corrupt passions and carnal propensities, (vv. :5-8).
3.      The duty of speaking the truth, since they had put off the old man with his deeds, (vv. 9-11).
4.      The duty of kindness, gentleness, charity, and the spirit of peace, (vv. 12-15).
5.      The duty of edifying one another by psalms and songs of praise, (vv. 16-17).
6.      The duty of wives, (v. 18);
7.      The duty of husbands, (v. :19);
8.      The duty of children, (v. 20);
9.      The duty of fathers, (v. 21);
10.     The duty of servants, (vv. 22-25).
There is a very striking similarity between this chapter and the fifth and sixth chapters of the epistle to the Ephesians, and a full exposition of the principal subjects adverted to here may be found in the Notes there.